Sprain or Strain
How to manage and treat sprains and strains
Sprains or strains are commonly caused by an injury, such as twisting your ankle. A sprain is a stretch or tear in the ligament, which is the tissue that connects bones. A strain is also a stretch or tear, but to a muscle or tendon.
Immediate treatment can follow RICE - Rest, Icepacks, Compression (bandaging) and Elevation. For supervision or ongoing treatment to return to work or sport it is best to speak with a physiotherapist or other health care professional.

Some other tips and tricks include:

Satisfactory warm-up and cool-down techniques are an integral feature of training for enhancing movement, flexibility and strength – as well preventing sprains, strains and other injuries.

At home you can follow RICE which has been an accepted way to manage and treat sprains and strains – Rest, Icepack, Compression and Elevation.

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