Back Pain
How to manage and treat back pain
One of the most common forms of pain, back pain can negatively affect quality-of-life and make day-to-day activities difficult. Temperature therapy and the application of heat relaxes the muscles and can ease the discomfort. Try Deep Heat Back Patches which activate from 60 seconds for up to 8 hours of relief.

Some other tips and tricks include:

Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees to keep your spine in a neutral position. You don’t want back pain to prevent a good night’s sleep, or to wake up feeling worse.

Stay active. Lying still with a bad back can frequently make back pain worse. Keeping moving will assist in relieving pain, even if it’s just walking.

When the pain has subsided, focus on core exercises to assist in preventing future discomfort. Core exercises are one of the best ways to support your back and keep your spine in proper alignment.