The Locker Room

How to Relieve Neck Pain at Work
Neck pain is a common problem for office workers and it can, unfortunately, trigger other problems such as headaches. Improving your posture, your desk setup and taking regular breaks can...

Muscle Pain After Exercise
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a type of muscle pain that occurs 24-72 hours after exercise. It’s most common after you start a new exercise regime or intensify your...

3 tips to relieve mild arthritis pain
Arthritis is not a single disease, the term arthritis actually refers to a range of conditions that involve joint pain and inflammation. There are more than 100 types of arthritis...

How to relieve back pain
Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is the most common form of pain among Australians with approximately 4million Australians, or 1 in 6 suffering from back pain.* Back pain can...